Annual Report 2023/2024

It’s been another busy year for Weaver Vale, and our Annual Report below highlights what we’ve achieved together from April 2023 to March 2024 to improve our homes and services.  

We hope you enjoy reading this report and learning more  about the progress we’ve made together over the past year.

A report to suit you

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You can also read the report by clicking HERE

Our Performance

We track and monitor a wide range of performance indicators to ensure that services are delivered in line with customers’ expectations and our Corporate Plan. Performance is monitored at all levels of the Trust and is scrutinised by our Customer Assurance Team who work within our governance structure. They make recommendations for areas of improvement or scrutiny, to make sure our services reflect the needs of our customers.

You can see our quarterly performance results below. Whilst we monitor service performance daily, every three months our Board review a dashboard of Strategic Achievement Measures (SAM's) this gives the Board a detailed understanding of how our services are performing. 

Tenant Satisfaction Measures

Tenant Satisfaction Measures show and compare information on areas such as repairs, safety checks and complaints.

This ensures:

  • Tenants can scrutinise our performance.
  • We have insight about how our customers feel about us and how they feel we can improve.

We can provide intelligence to our regulator about how we are performing against the Regulatory Consumer Standards.

About the data

You may notice some small differences in our overall performance figures (above) and those reported as TSM's here. This is because the TSM's only include specific 'tenure' types for each measure, whereas other performance data may include all or different tenure types.

Here are our 23/24 Tenant Satisfaction Perception Measures. You can also view a PDF of these results HERE.

Click here to view a summary of the perception questions asked during our STAR survey which includes the tenant satisfaction measure (TSM's) questions. 

23 24 TSM  23 24 TSM  23 24 TSM

There are 22 Tenant Satisfaction Measures, covering five themes. Ten of these are management information reported by us, the landlord, and 12 are measured by carrying out tenant perception surveys. This survey is referred to as a STAR (survey of tenants and residents survey) survey. We carry our our STAR survey twice a year. We instruct an independent research company, called Acuity to gather feedback from our customers to help us understand how customers feel we are performing and we know what to focus on so we can continue to improve. 

The STAR ‘tracker’ survey calls will only ever take place Monday to Friday between 9.30am and 7.45pm, and on Saturday’s between 10am and 6pm. Customers will only ever be asked to complete a tracker survey once within a 12-month period.

To see our most recent STAR survey results click here. You can read our previous results below. 

To read our 22/23 STAR results click here.

To read our 23/24 STAR results click here.

We also publish an overview of our results on our Facebook page regularly. 

External Assurance of our Performance

Housemark carried out a review of our compliance against the consumer standards. Housemark is the leading data and insight company for the UK housing sector, jointly owned by the National Housing Federation and the Chartered Institute of Housing. Its members include over 350 social housing providers from across the UK - representing 3.8million homes.

You can read the full report by clicking here

Customer Insights

At the Trust we use Customer Insights to understand how customers use our services, and also to ensure we understand what’s working well and what we need to improve on.

You can read our Customer Insights reports below. The reports detail a wide range of information, from call handling time, which teams customers are calling to speak to, call wait time, reception visits and complaints. We use this information, along with other performance data to improve our services to customers. 

Customer Contact Insight Report Q1 23-24

Customer Contact Insight Report Q2 23-24

Customer Contact Insights Report Q3 23-24 

Customer Contact Insights Report Q4 23-24


Its really important to us that we listen to all our tenants feedback, including listening to complaints. So that we can act upon this.

Find out more about our complaints process by visiting this page

You can read our most recent Annual Complaints and Compliments Annual Report here. You can also read our Self Assessment against the Housing Ombudsman Complaint Handling code here.


Environmental, Social & Governance Reports

Welcome to our Environmental, Social and Governance Report. The report looks at our Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) highlights from the last financial year and it is the second time we have published as an adopter of the 'Sustainability Reporting Standard for Social Housing'.

The Sustainability Reporting Standard for Social Housing (SRS) was launched in November 2020. You can read more about this reporting here

The Standard was set up in response to concerns that ESG investment in social housing was being inhibited by the absence of a common reporting standard. The SRS is a voluntary reporting framework, covering 48 themes across the three overarching areas of Environmental, Social and Governance and includes sub-themes such as zero carbon targets, affordability, safety and resident voice.

This report is forms part of our wider performance reporting, which includes our Annual Report, Financial Statements, Transparency Reports, Corporate Social Responsibility Statement and Customer Assurance Team Reports, all of which helps the Trust demonstrate to customers, funders and stakeholders how we perform against key criteria including, climate change, social value and resident voice and governance.

We are very aware that there are many challenges for our tenants and for the planet. As a local employer and landlord of choice we remain committed to investing in our homes, tackling the challenges faced by our customers, communities and colleagues and above all Building Back Fairer.

2022/2023 Report

2020/2021 Report 


Corporate Social Responsibility

The aim of this statement is to clarify the position of the Trust and broadly outline our existing activity and approach to matters relating to Corporate Social Responsibility. 

What is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)? We define CSR as;

“The responsibility of an organisation for the impact of its decisions on society and the environment above and beyond its legal obligations, through transparent and ethical behaviour."

We realise we can contribute towards growth and sustainability in the communities in which we operate and our pledge is to;

“We will act and do business in a fair, ethical and transparent way that contributes to the health and wellbeing of our customers, colleagues and society”

CSR is part of what we do at the Trust and compliments our Corporate Plan, Strategies and Values. It can be broadly categorised into;

• Environment
• Community & Social Value
• Workplace
• Commercial Activity

  • Read our 2024 Corporate Social Responsibility statement HERE


You can download the full financial statements for 2022-2023 here.

You can also download our full statements for previous years below.

Transparency Reports
Transparency is important to the Trust and in our role as a development registered provider. In line with our values we publish details of how we invest our customers money to deliver new homes. We list all items of expenditure exceeding £500.

This information is updated on a quarterly basis - 

Raising Aspirations Annual Report

Raising Aspirations is a course ran by our Employment Support Team and funded by our National Lottery. It aims to help people in our community get into work, improve their confidence and set wellbeing goals. You can find out more about the team and the course they run by visiting here.

To view our annual report for 2024 and the successes of the programme, click here.